News: ES33A08 ES33B08 ESP32 micropython code paste the code in Thonny (

from machine import Pin, ADC

import time


# Define pins for the shift register 74HC595

CLOCK_595 = 27  # Clock pin for 74HC595

LATCH_595 = 14  # Latch pin for 74HC595

DATA_595 = 13   # Data pin for 74HC595

OE_595 = 4      # Output Enable for 74HC595, active low


# Define pins for the input shift register 74HC165

CLOCK_165 = 18  # Clock pin for 74HC165

LOAD_165 = 19   # Load pin for 74HC165

DATA_165 = 21   # Data pin for 74HC165


# Define pin for the PIR sensor



# Initialize GPIO pins for 74HC595

clock_595 = Pin(CLOCK_595, Pin.OUT)

latch_595 = Pin(LATCH_595, Pin.OUT)

data_595 = Pin(DATA_595, Pin.OUT)

oe_595 = Pin(OE_595, Pin.OUT)


# Initialize GPIO pins for 74HC165

clock_165 = Pin(CLOCK_165, Pin.OUT)

load_165 = Pin(LOAD_165, Pin.OUT)

data_165 = Pin(DATA_165, Pin.IN)


# Initialize GPIO pin for PIR sensor

pir_sensor = Pin(PIR_PIN, Pin.IN)


# Initialize ADC for LM324DR (Analog signal processing)

analog_input = ADC(Pin(32))  # Use GPIO32 for analog input


# Ensure output is disabled during setup

oe_595.value(1)  # Disable output (active low)


# Number to display mapping for 7-segment (decimal representation)

number_mapping = {

    0: 252,  # 0b11111100, 0xFC, Configuration for '0'

    1: 96,   # 0b01100000, 0x60, Configuration for '1'

    2: 218,  # 0b11011010, 0xDA, Configuration for '2'

    3: 242,  # 0b11110010, 0xF2, Configuration for '3'

    4: 102,  # 0b01100110, 0x66, Configuration for '4'

    5: 182,  # 0b10110110, 0xB6, Configuration for '5'

    6: 190,  # 0b10111110, 0xBE, Configuration for '6'

    7: 224,  # 0b11100000, 0xE0, Configuration for '7'

    8: 254,  # 0b11111110, 0xFE, Configuration for '8'

    9: 246   # 0b11110110, 0xF6, Configuration for '9'



# Text to display mapping for 7-segment (common cathode configuration)

text_mapping = {

    'A': 238,  # 0b11101110, 0xEE, Configuration for 'A'

    'b': 62,   # 0b00111110, 0x3E, Configuration for 'b'

    'C': 156,  # 0b10011100, 0x9C, Configuration for 'C'

    'd': 122,  # 0b01111010, 0x7A, Configuration for 'd'

    'E': 158,  # 0b10011110, 0x9E, Configuration for 'E'

    'F': 142,  # 0b10001110, 0x8E, Configuration for 'F'

    'G': 188,  # 0b10111100, 0xBC, Configuration for 'G'

    'H': 110   # 0b01101110, 0x6E, Configuration for 'H'



# Digit activation (decimal representation, assuming common cathode for simplicity, modify if using common anode)

digit_activation = {

    1: 14, # 0b1110, 0xE, Activate the first digit (leftmost)

    2: 13, # 0b1101, 0xD, Activate the second digit

    3: 11, # 0b1011, 0xB, Activate the third digit

    4: 7   # 0b0111, 0x7, Activate the fourth digit (rightmost)



# Channel control bits (decimal representation)

channel_mapping = {

    1: 32768, # 0b1000000000000000, 0x8000

    2: 16384, # 0b0100000000000000, 0x4000

    3: 8192,  # 0b0010000000000000, 0x2000

    4: 4096,  # 0b0001000000000000, 0x1000

    5: 2048,  # 0b0000100000000000, 0x0800

    6: 1024,  # 0b0000010000000000, 0x0400

    7: 512,   # 0b0000001000000000, 0x0200

    8: 256    # 0b0000000100000000, 0x0100



# Input control bits for 74HC165 (D0 to D7, decimal representation)

input_mapping = {

    1: 1,  # 0b00000001, 0x01

    2: 2,  # 0b00000010, 0x02

    3: 4,  # 0b00000100, 0x04

    4: 8,  # 0b00001000, 0x08

    5: 16, # 0b00010000, 0x10

    6: 32, # 0b00100000, 0x20

    7: 64, # 0b01000000, 0x40

    8: 128 # 0b10000000, 0x80



# Voltage input bits (V1 to V4, decimal representation)

v_mapping = {

    1: ADC(Pin(32)),  # V1, GPIO32

    2: ADC(Pin(33)),  # V2, GPIO33

    3: ADC(Pin(34)),  # V3, GPIO34

    4: ADC(Pin(35))   # V4, GPIO35



# Current input bits (I1 to I4, decimal representation)

i_mapping = {

    1: ADC(Pin(36)),  # I1, GPIO36

    2: ADC(Pin(37)),  # I2, GPIO37

    3: ADC(Pin(38)),  # I3, GPIO38

    4: ADC(Pin(39))   # I4, GPIO39



# Function to write value to the shift register

def write_shift_register(value):

    latch_595.value(0)  # Prepare to latch data

    for i in range(32):  # Shift 32 bits of data

        data_595.value((value >> i) & 1)




    latch_595.value(1)  # Latch the data at the output of the shift registers

    oe_595.value(0)     # Enable output to take effect


# Function to read value from the input shift register

def read_shift_register():

    load_165.value(0)  # Load the parallel input to the shift register




    value = 0

    for i in range(8):  # Read 8 bits of data

        value |data_165.value() << (7 - i))





    return value


# Function to control CH1 based on IN1 and PIR sensor status

def control_ch1():

    input_status = read_shift_register()

    in1_status input_status >> 0) & 1  # Read the status of IN1

    pir_status = pir_sensor.value()  # Read the status of the PIR sensor


    if in1_status == 1 or pir_status == 1:  # If IN1 or PIR is high

        combined_value = channel_mapping[1]  # Activate CH1

    else:  # If both IN1 and PIR are low

        combined_value = 0  # Deactivate all channels




# Function to read analog inputs (V* and I*)

def read_analog_inputs():

    analog_values = {}

    for key, adc in v_mapping.items():

        analog_values[f"V{key}"] =

    for key, adc in i_mapping.items():

        analog_values[f"I{key}"] =

    return analog_values


# Function to indicate if something is connected to the inputs

def indicate_input_connections(input_status):

    for i in range(8):

        if (input_status >> i) & 1:

            print(f"IN{i+1} is connected")


# Main loop

while True:

    # Control CH1 based on IN1 and PIR sensor status



    # Read input status and indicate connections

    input_status = read_shift_register()



    # Print digital values

    digital_values = {f"IN{i+1}": (input_status >> i) & 1 for i in range(8)}

    print("Digital values:", ", ".join([f"IN{i+1}: {val}" for i, val in enumerate(digital_values.values())]))


    # Read analog input (e.g., from LM324DR)

    analog_values = read_analog_inputs()

    print(f"Analog values: {analog_values}")


    # Cycle through numbers 0 to 9 and corresponding channels

    for channel in range(1, 9):

        # Calculate the channel bit pattern (OUT 16 to OUT 9 corresponds to channels 1 to 8)

        channel_bit_pattern = 1 << (16 - channel)


        # Get the number to display and calculate the combined value for the shift register

        number_to_display = channel % 10  # Display the same number as the channel

        combined_value number_mapping[number_to_display] << 24) | \

                         (digit_activation[1] << 20) | \



        # Write the combined value to the shift register



        # Print the current state for debugging

        print(f"Channel {channel} is active, displaying number {number_to_display}")


        # Wait before moving to the next number and channel



    # Additional delay before repeating the cycle, if needed



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